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Allergy Forecast: How Search Data Reveals Emerging Health Issues in France

woman sitting on sofa and blowing her nose into a tissue

By monitoring allergies, public authorities & healthcare companies can identify potential triggers that may cause an allergic reaction and take steps to avoid exposure to them.

Allergy forecast will help improve the citizens’ quality of life, as well as helping producing medicine to prevent allergic reactions.

Thing is, collecting reliable data about allergies and allergens can become a challenge – as most consumers do not report their experience to pharmacists or practicians.

Good news, search engines have become a great proxy to monitor allergies. 83% of consumers search online when they are sick or experience first symptoms. Turning search data into gold mines for healthcare companies.

Indeed, consumers tend to be very specific about their symptoms & fears, when looking for allergy treatments. With proper technology, it becomes possible to forecast allergy intensity for each allergen – and anticipate levels of medicine production.

Search engines: gold mines for allergy monitoring

With the vast amounts of data available online, search engines like Google, Bing or Amazon can easily …

  1. Provide the necessary information to identify potential allergens
  2. Recognize the symptoms of allergies
  3. Determine all the treatments available

Search listening platforms like Trajaan helps discover trending allergens by analyzing search volume trends for thousands of keywords – mentioning specific allergens.

These allergens can be easily discovered by crawling the Web or using query suggestion engines – like OpenAI chatGPT

6500+ search queries (aka keywords) have been discovered in French, with search volume collected in France, at both country & local scales.

Top-10 trending allergens in France

Allergy season in France typically begins in April and runs through the end of June, with the peak period being in May.

Pollen levels tend to increase during this time as the temperatures rise, and this can cause allergic reactions in those with sensitivities. Trees such as birch, alder, and ash produce the most pollen during this time, as well as plants like nettle and grasses.

Mold can also be an issue during this time as the warm, humid weather encourages its growth.

There are several factors that may contribute to an increasing rate of amoxicillin allergies in France (+65% in 2023 vs. 2022).

First, amoxicillin is one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics, so more people are being exposed to it and developing an allergic reaction.

Also, over–prescribing of antibiotics has led to an increase in antibiotic resistance, meaning that people may be more likely to develop an allergy to a drug they are being prescribed.

Finally, environmental factors such as air pollution and other allergens can also increase the likelihood of developing an allergy to amoxicillin.

Allergies to aulnes (also known as common alder) trees are becoming increasingly common in France due to the rise of atmospheric pollution.

Pollen from aulnes is becoming more widespread as a result of poor air quality, causing allergy sufferers to experience increased symptoms.

Additionally, the pollen from aulnes trees is highly allergenic, making it more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Medicines with highest awareness among consumers

Zyrtec is popular in France because it is a widely used antihistamine for the relief of allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itching and watery eyes. It is also relatively affordable and widely available.

Flonase has become more popular in France due to its effectiveness as a nasal spray for treating allergies, such as hay fever, as well as its ability to relieve symptoms of sinus and nasal congestion.

Its low cost compared to other brands of nasal sprays often makes it an attractive choice.

Detecting all most influential media in France with search listening

Each type of allergy has its own set of symptoms and triggers, so it‘s important for people with similar allergies to be able to access resources, information, and support that are specifically tailored to their needs.

Different media websites offer different types of resources and advice, so it’s important for people with allergies to find a website that is tailored to their specific allergy.

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